Do you mind if I post your recipe on my website?

If you are going to change any of the ingredients, please say that the recipe is adapted from such and such recipe from my site with a link to the recipe on my blog. If you want to print it exactly as is, please contact me for permission. My header photo however, is amazing but that’s because I didn’t take it!

Can I use your photo for my blog?

Frankly, I’m surprised that anyone would ask given that I am not a photographer, and am a pretty bad amateur at that. Even so, please ask first.  My header photo was taken by my friends at Liz & Jewels, whose photography workshop I took in NYC to help me out and the extremely talented, Lisa Nieschlag whipped up a berry cake in no time and shot it all the way from Germany. I highly recommend their workshops.

Who is your web designer?

My Web Designer is Cre8d… they are amazing!